St. Paul
- Martyr Died - c.270
- 17 August
- Michele Mauri In 1703 he recived two payments totaling
80 scudi.
created - c.1702-1703 On 2 June 1702 Mauri undertook to
execute the statue, which he delivered 26 June 1703
- 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine The saint is wrapped in a
simple cloak and holds the palm of martyrdom in his right
hand. His left hand has three fingers folded on his
and his sister Juliana (87) were listed in the old Roman
Martyrology as having suffered martyrdom at Acra in the Holy
Land under Aurelian. They were supposedly beheaded because
they could not be dissuaded from the Christian faith. Because
of a lack of verifiable historical information, they were
removed from the 2004 Roman Martyrology.
Saints on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing
85. Basilissa, 84. Hippolytus
Saints on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing
Saints on South Colonnade Charlemagne Wing
86. Paul - Second from Left
The Book of Saints, ©2002 Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino
Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca Editore
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