St. Peter Nolasco
Born - 1189 Died - 1245
- 6 May Canonized - 1628 by Pope Urban VIII
created - c.1672-1673 This one of the group installed
between August 1670 and March 1673.
- Lazzaro Morelli In addition to the colonnade saints
that Morelli carved, he worked on Bernini's Monument to
Alexander VII, the Angel with the Scourge on Ponte
Sant'Angelo, the horse and lion for the Fountain of Four
Rivers, and numerous others.
- 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine The saint wears a long
beard and holds a double cross in his right hand. He is
clothed in a tunic with hood and scapular. The clasp in front
is the shield of Aragon that was donated as a distinctive
emblem by James I.
Nolasco was tutor to the young king, James I of Aragon.
He founded the Mercedarians (Order of Our Lady of Mercy) in
order to assist and ransom Christians enslaved by Muslims.
Saints on South Colonnade
Saints on South Colonnade
Curved Arm
98. Stephen - Far Right
The Book of Saints, ©2002 Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino
Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca
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