tomb is a massive and linear parallelepiped with a slightly slanting
lid. Engraved on the front is the monogram of Christ and the name
of the pope IOANNES PAVLVS PP. I. The decoration makes use of the
contrast in tonality between the gray veins of the Greek marble:
horizontal in the center and vertical on the frame. Striking in
this chromatic context are the two ancient reliefs of praying angels
on the sides of the front. They come from the facade of the Renaissance
tabernacle of the Holy Lance, commissioned in 1495 by Cardinal Lorenzo
Cybo, by order of his uncle, pope Innocent VIII who received the
famous relic in Rome. The two gracious angels with the opened wings
and arms crossed on their chests were originally turning toward
the Holy Lance. They are attributed to the late workshop of Andrea

Angel - Left Side

Angel - Right Side

Tomb of John Paul I
(Background) Mass at Central Altar
Tomb of
John Paul I
Vatican Grottoes
Benedict XVI prays in front of the tomb of John Paul I, in
the crypt of St-Peter's basilica at the Vatican 02 November
2005, for the day of the dead.
© CPP/Osservatore
Roma Sacra The Vatican Grottoes, © Fabbrica of St. Peter's, June 2003 |
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