on the Vatican Necropolis
Bones of St Peter by John E Walsh (complete
text here)
The complete text of this book by John Evangelist
Walsh presents the entire story of the excavations
and the search for the actual bones of St. Peter.
This book is a well-balanced discussion of whether
the bones found at St Peter's tomb are actually those
of the Apostle.
of St Peter by M. Guarducci (complete
text here)
Margherita Guarducci was the distinguished Italian
archaeologist who worked for years to deciper the
graffiti found in the Necropolis. On Wall G, at the
tomb of St Peter, Profefessor Guarducci discovered
a religious "cryptography" where the ancient faithful
had left their prayers.
Book To Buy is The Vatican Necropolis,
in "Roma Sacra", 25, P. Zander. Roma 2003.
Available at Vatican bookstores, and online at