
St. Anthony-Abbot
Born - c.251 Died - 356 in Egypt
- 17 January
created - c.1792-1793 Given the impossibility of restoring
the first statue, because of its poor condition and bad
travertine, it was redone. The original, done between
August 1670 and March 1673, was probably by Antonio Francesco
- Giuseppe Angelini Angelini, the sculptor and restorer
was given the work of redoing the previous statue.
- 3.1 m. (10ft 4in) travertine The patriarch of
monasticism is depicted as an old man, wrapped in a habit with
a hood. He leans on his knee where he has an open book.
The right hand seems to hold a lost stick, an attribute tradional for a hermit.
The pig at his
feet is a specific attribute for him, an allusion to dirty
thoughts he had while fighting demons in an abandoned fort.
Anthony was a prominent leader among the Desert Fathers. The
biography of Anthony's life by St Athanasius of Alexandria
helped to spread the concept of monasticism.
Saints on South Colonnade
Saints on South Colonnade
130. on Left to 120.
on Right
The Book of Saints, ©2002 Edited by Dom Basil Watkins, OSB
Le Statue Berniniani del Colonnato di San Pietro by Valentino
Martinelli ©1987 by de Luca
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