
'Roma Sacra - The Vatican Necropolis', © Fabbrica
of St Peter's
the north west angle of this building is visible,
since the sepulchral chamber was completely occupied
by the 4th century foundations that also invade mausoleum
L on the opposite side. The northern wall is built
against the structure of some tombs demolished during
the works of Constantine for the construction of the
first basilica. The external walls show the typical
elegant brick of exposed facedes, with narrow ordered
rows of yellow bricks separated by thin mortar joints
with traces of colour. These structures, facing a
square paved with square bricks and tiles, were in
fact, visible to passers-by. The refined brick curtain
on the western side was subsequently covered by a
layer of plaster with a decoration painted in red.
Basso. Guide to the Vatican Necropolis, Fabbrica
di S. Pietro in Vaticano, 1986
Margherita Guarducci,
The Tomb of St Peter, Hawthorn Books, 1960
John Evangelist Walsh,
The Bones of St Peter, New York, 1982
Toynbee and Perkins. The Shrine of St Peter and the Vatican
Excavations, London 1956
P. Zander. The Vatican Necropolis, in "Roma
Sacra", 25, Roma 2003